As I was going through past journals and old devotionals, I noticed how I never followed through with anything. The earliest diary I found was from July of 1996. My first entry says this:
Sunday, 7-7-96And that was the only time I wrote in it. That's it. I found about four different teen devotional books that had the first chapter completed and the rest blank.
I got this diary yesterday. I was glad I got a nice diary for my birthday. But my birthday is Wednesday July 10. I will be 10. Well I better go.
Your friend,
Emilee Shake
This is really starting to bother me. Am I a quitter? Do I ever follow through with things?
I never read a book cover to cover. I read about the first 1/3 then put it down or skip around throughout the rest of it. I learned to play the guitar, but just good enough to lead worship. Then I stopped practicing or trying to get better. I decided I wanted to try to sell on eBay some of the photographs I've taken, so I bought the frames and enlarged the pictures. They're sitting in my room pictures in frames, where they have been for a few months. I don't even have an eBay account set up yet.
I am quite troubled by this. I really need to work on seeing things through to completion.