Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Am I a quitter?

I'm doing some massive organizing in my room. Because I'm living at home now, something I haven't done since I graduated high school, I have to fit a lot of stuff into one room. I decided to view this as an opportunity to get very organized with all of my things, instead of just my college things.

As I was going through past journals and old devotionals, I noticed how I never followed through with anything. The earliest diary I found was from July of 1996. My first entry says this:
Sunday, 7-7-96
I got this diary yesterday. I was glad I got a nice diary for my birthday. But my birthday is Wednesday July 10. I will be 10. Well I better go.
Your friend,
Emilee Shake
And that was the only time I wrote in it. That's it. I found about four different teen devotional books that had the first chapter completed and the rest blank.

This is really starting to bother me. Am I a quitter? Do I ever follow through with things?

I never read a book cover to cover. I read about the first 1/3 then put it down or skip around throughout the rest of it. I learned to play the guitar, but just good enough to lead worship. Then I stopped practicing or trying to get better. I decided I wanted to try to sell on eBay some of the photographs I've taken, so I bought the frames and enlarged the pictures. They're sitting in my room pictures in frames, where they have been for a few months. I don't even have an eBay account set up yet.

I am quite troubled by this. I really need to work on seeing things through to completion.

1 comment:

Niko Vasiloff said...

I am in the same boat Emilee. So often I catch myself doing this and I feel like I am never able to complete projects or spiritual/relational committments I make to myself and to others. I apologize for this if I have done it with you (as I'm sure I have). But let me affirm you that I don't see you as a quitter. You are not. And even if your habits in the past and maybe still the present paint that picture, they don't have to dictate your future. You are in control of today. Make a change. Follow through on the "Everyday Jesus" project; I ask selfishly, because I'm really interested in hearing about it. ;)